Wreck on I-20

The night of Dec 30 2018, well technically the morning of Dec 31 2018 i had a dream. I dreamed i was in my car glancing at my phone while driving and when i looked up i ran off the road. I ran off the road and my car ramped up on the left side edge of the bridge with wheels hanging over on both sides. The car was skidding across the bridge only staying balanced because of the speed i was going. It was dark so i couldn't t tell what was below but i felt like it was water. As i was nervously trying to hold the wheel and lean to the right everything quickly changed and i ended up running through halls. They looked like hospital halls leading from an outside garage. I was just running down these halls trying to figure out where i was at. The whole time i was running i thinking to myself i must have fell asleep or passed out while on that bridge and was wondering how i could wake myself up. I continued running through the halls making lefts and rights until i came up on what seemed to be nursing home rooms. I was looking around and i heard somebody say John Kidd. They called my name like nurses call it when you’re waiting to see the doctor. Then i mysteriously shifted into my body that was currently in that nursing home looking place. It was sorta of like waking up in that body as my consciousness was shifted into it. They acted as if it was normal for me to be there like i didn’t have a car wreck recently. I asked how long I'd been there and they told me 12 years. I was confused and didn’t know where I was. I didn’t know if i was in a random spot somewhere and had been there for 12 years or if i actually died in my dream. I remember being in my dream and thinking to myself, is this a dream, but i couldn't wake up. My next thought was damn i died in the car wreck and I'm stuck here.  After exploring the outside area of the nursing home type place and talking to people (i dont remember the conversations), i woke up with a racing heart beat.