"So when do you plan on jumping the broom?" I am guaranteed to hear that question at least twice a month. Out of my circle of close friends i am literally the last one left to tie the knot. I am proud of their tansition because i have literally watched them grow from throwing ones in the strip club to throwing garters at receptions. Listening to our conversations over the years grow from "where the hoes at" to "how did you know she was the one" is truly a beautiful thing.
Every single man preparing himself for marriage always ask their married friends the question i mentioned above. "How did you know she was the one?" The typical answer is, bruh you just know, when the one comes along you'll know. Single men this is a bullshit answer, we are not going to just know shit. Don't believe the hype. The real reasons my friends got married was because their girlfriends at the time brought something new to the table that they had never experienced. One of them had his woman cater to him with small things such as running his bath water when he got off work and having food prepared for him when he got out. He wasn't used to that type of treatment from someone who actually cared about him so he couldn't let it go. Another was infatuated with the fact that his woman was on the same wavelength as him in regards to finance, setting goals, and amazing conversation along with the other common interests. They are real life best friends and that actually support each other's ideas and help them to manifest together through actions. That's a rare commodity and a hell of an inspiration.
Five years straight i was in 6 different weddings and attended two extra of other close friends. With each, i took away something different in hopes to prepare myself for my own. I remember around the time of one of the first weddings and thinking she's not the finest thing in the world but she's cool, i like her. I and another friend actually had a conversation about that same thought after he bought it up. He said, man i learned something today, you can take you an average looking girl who got yo best interest at heart and love the fuck out of her. Now, she's not ugly by a long shot but we tend to get caught up in this idea of how your marriage partner is going to look or how he or she should look. You should definitely find your significant other attractive, but at the end of the day none of my friends got married for looks. It was for stability, support, and real genuine love. The smiles on their faces during the wedding receptions speaks volumes.
With someone like me being the last to bend a knee, it's easy to get caught up in the infatuation of it all and make rash decisions. It's easy to hop into a relationship and overlook red flags in hopes to make it work in search of your happily ever after. Settling for those red flags will not bring you peace. I've been guilty of this recently. My biggest obstacle in relationships has been communication. Communication is one of the key factors to unlocking a successful relationship. You have to be able to communicate through all of the tough issues no matter what they are. Talk through the dislikes, annoying habits, sex, finances, or anything else life throws at you. I haven't been able to effectively do that with anyone yet, so I'll just use my broom for sweeping until I'm ready to commit to carpet. Until then ya'll can buy me a vaccum.